How does the LightStim for acne work?

The LightStim LED light delivers light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. LightStim emits UV-free, beneficial light energy to the skin.

Specific wavelengths of blue light target and reduce the p. acnes bacteria and the red light reduces inflammation, both the p.acnes bacteria and inflammation in the pore play a significant role in causing acne for many people. The light causes the development of oxygen radicals that kill p. acnes bacteria without damaging healthy skin.

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LightStim patented LED Light Therapy is a powerful, effective, and natural solution to help achieve clear and healthy skin. It can be used on all skin types and tones. In just minutes a day you can heal existing blemishes, minimize future breakouts, and recapture your radiant glow.

- Heal and calm existing breakouts

- Restores skin's clear and healthy appearance

- Clinically proven to kill acne-causing bacteria

- Reduces redness and inflammation 

How to use LightStim for Acne

Place the Light gently touching your skin and
hold in place for 3 minutes.

If desired, close the eye nearest to the Light.

Move the Light to the next area
and repeat.